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6-Year-Old Amadeo Alvarez Jr. Killed, 4 Injured In Richmond DUI Crash

Boy killed in Castro Valley crash.

Richmond, CA (April 26, 2024) Sadness and disbelief covered the town of Richmond as news of a crash that claimed a child’s life swept through the community. Tragically, 6-year-old Amadeo Alvarez Jr. was killed in the collision that also left four other people injured. 29-year-old Ramiro Rojas-Barrios was arrested for driving while intoxicated at the scene, officers said. It all happened around 7:30 p.m at the intersection of Cutting Boulevard and Carson Boulevard.

It was just before 7:30 p.m. when Rojas-Barrios crashed into a parked vehicle near a taco truck. Instead of stopping, he fled the scene, officers said. He picked up speed as he fled until he was eventually going nearly 80 miles per hour. As he sped towards the intersection of Cutting Boulevard and Carson Boulevard, another vehicle was also approaching the intersection. Inside the vehicle was a family of five, officers said. As they entered the intersection, so did Rojas-Barrios at a high speed. His vehicle slammed into the family’s vehicle.

Emergency crews arrived at the scene and found the two vehicles with major damage. Debris and glass were thrown all over the intersection. Paramedics hurried to the family’s vehicle to give medical aid to anyone who needed it. They found five people inside the vehicle and everyone was injured, reports indicated. Paramedics found 6-year-old Alvarez unresponsive. They began life-saving treatment, but the boys’ injuries were too severed. Sadly, they pronounced Amadeo Alvarez Jr. dead at the scene. Paramedics loaded the other four family members into ambulances and transported them to local hospitals to receive treatment for serious injuries.

Rojas-Barrios was arrested at the scene and charged with vehicular manslaughter along with several other charges, officers reported. Tow trucks were called to the scene to remove the two damaged vehicles and crews cleaned debris and glass from the roadway.

A GoFundMe account has been set up by the family of Amadeo Alvarez Jr. to help cover funeral expenses. Everyone at Accident News Now extends heartfelt sympathies to the family of Amadeo Alvarez Jr. We know this is a difficult time for his loved ones and our legal team is here to offer guidance during this time.

Have you or a loved one been injured in this accident? Our team specializes in DUI accidents and we are here to help! You can reach us 24/7 at (866) 945-4286 or visit our online contact form at Accident News Now. 

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