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Motorcyclist Killed, Two Injured In Brentwood Crash

Motorcyclist seriously injured in Morgan Hill crash.

Brentwood, CA (April 30, 2024) A ride along Brentwood Boulevard on Saturday night ended tragically for one motorcyclist. The 37-year-old rider sustained fatal injuries in a collision with another vehicle. The passenger on the motorcycle was seriously injured and the 18-year-old driver of the vehicle sustained minor injuries, reports indicated.

A 37-year-old man and his 37-year-old passenger were riding a motorcycle just after 10:30 p.m. on April 27th on Brentwood Boulevard. The sun had set and street lights illuminated the roads. The motorcycle’s headlights lit up the road in front of the two riders as they enjoyed a spring California night. Suddenly, a vehicle hit the motorcycle at the intersection of Valdry Court, according to police officers at the scene. The two riders were thrown from the motorcycle and laid in the street.

The night sky was filled with flashing lights as emergency crews hurried to the scene, sirens breaking through the silence of the night. Officers rushed to the two motorcyclists and found them both with life-threatening injuries. They began life saving measures on the man, but his injuries were too severe. Sadly, there in the dark, officers pronounced the victim dead at the scene. Paramedics called for an air ambulance to come and quickly transport the woman to a local hospital. She is said to be in serious condition, but is fighting, according to reports.

The 18-year-old woman who was driving the vehicle remained at the scene, shaken by the stressful and traumatic event. She had sustained minor injuries during the collision and paramedics treated her at the scene as officers took her statement.

Officers do not believe that drugs and alcohol were factors in this fatal accident. They used flashlights to walk the scene and gather evidence. They spoke to witnesses at these center and took down everyone’s stories. They are determined to put the pieces together and understand exactly what happened at this Brentwood intersection.

All of us at Accident News Now extend our deepest condolences to the loved ones of the motorcyclist who was killed in this traumatic collision. We know this is a difficult time as you navigate through this sudden loss. Our team of legal professionals is here to offer guidance during this difficult time.

Have you or a loved one been injured in this accident? Our team specializes in motorcycle accidents and we are here to help! You can reach us 24/7 at (866) 945-4286 or visit our online contact form at Accident News Now. 

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