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12-Year-Old Derrick Serrano Struck, Killed In South Los Angeles

Derrick Serrano struck and killed in South Los Angeles.

Los Angeles, CA (May 5, 2024) A busy intersection with no crosswalks or safety signs was the scene of a tragic child’s death on April 18th. 12-year-old Derrick Serrano left home that morning and never came back, his mother said. While walking home from school in South Los Angeles, the boy was struck and killed by a vehicle at the busy intersection of Wadsworth Avenue and Vernon Avenue right around 3:00 p.m.

Serrano was in the 6th grade and attended Carver Middle School in the South Park neighborhood of Los Angeles. His mother, Claudia Gramajo, stated in an interview that her son only had to walk three blocks to and from school. However, the intersection of Wadsworth Aveneu and Vernon Avenue contain no crosswalks or safety signals for pedestrians. The children have no crossing guard to help them get across the busy intersection. As Serrano attempted to cross the busy intersection on the afternoon of April 18th, he was struck and killed by a vehicle.

Police officers were at the scene within minutes and found the boy lying on the road. They rushed to his side, but tragically found he had already succumbed to his injuries. With heavy hearts, they pronounced Derrick Serrano dead at the scene and covered his body. The driver of the vehicle that struck Serrano remained at the scene and cooperated with authorities following this traumatic accident.

The community as well as the school were saddened by this horrible news of such a young life taken. Many are hoping that the death of Serrano will encourage safety measures at this intersection, such as crosswalks and safety signals for pedestrians. Officers are still investigating this accident to determine exactly what happened. In the meantime, Derrick Serrano’s family has set up a GoFundMe account to help his family cover funeral expenses following his sudden and tragic death.

All of us at Accident News Now are saddened by this tragic accident and extend our deepest condolences to Derrick Serrano’s family. We know this is a difficult time as you mourn the loss of a child. Our team of legal experts is here to offer guidance during this difficult time.

Have you or a loved one been injured in this accident? Our team specializes in pedestrian accidents and we are here to help! You can reach us 24/7 at (866) 945-4286 or visit our online contact form at Accident News Now. 

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